People often contact the Museum asking what to do with items which they cherish, but they feel that the family will not be interested in when they pass away.
Our suggestion to these enquiries is that in this case, write the story of each item stating where it came from, who gave it to you or why you purchased it, and what it actually means to you. If this item has come down through the family write what you know of it.
It is so much easier now with the use of the internet to be able to research many of the older items. Collectors now have pages on the internet where you can scroll through and hopefully find what it is that you have in your possession.
Attach this information to each article and hopefully this will assist your family in deciding what to do with it when the time comes.
Another suggestion is that if you should wish a certain item go to a certain person, then tag it with that persons’ name. Leave information as to what has been done, let your Executor know and they can pass it on. This is another way to have your wishes followed.
Due to the Christmas holidays, the Museum will be closed from the 16th December until the 6th January.
The KRANK program will be run during the school holidays, children from the age of 5 to 17 can participate in “Know your History”. If you have an interested child, contact the Logan City Council to book in. This is a free event sponsored by the Council.
Until next month, your local Museum is a vibrant area to visit with only a gold coin donation as the entry fee. This money goes towards the upkeep, display requirements and the printing of various publications.