Here at the Museum we are often asked a lot of questions, which really is why we are here in the first place. 


But the other day I was asked two questions one by a Retiree and the other person was about 30 years of age.  They were both asking of the same item.

 The Retiree asked why was it, that we had this article in our Museum, as it would not be considered to be old by his standards.  Interestingly enough a couple of hours later a younger person asked what was this article and what would it have been used for.

 My answer to the Retiree was that when we look at many of the items within the Museum we remember using them or seeing our parents using them, and we don’t think of them as being old.  But the younger person had never seen such an item and therefore it was a curiosity for him to ask.

 This is why Museums as so valuable to our heritage.   2 weeks ago we were given an old box which was full of small tools, from a farm which had been sold out.  I for one could name many of the items, as I had been my father’s helper as a child, but there were many items in that box which are unique as they had been adapted for a purpose by the farmer and very practical at that. 

 These will be given pride of place in the tool section, and those who look at them will be able to see by our description what these tools would have been used for.  It also shows the ingenuity which farmers of yesterday had in their attempt to make their work a little easier in the areas they needed to.

 Our new building is almost complete and the big planning and shifting of our collection will be started.  Should anyone like to come along and give us a hand they would be made very welcome.  This venture should start about 1st June.  We are open 9.00 to 12.00 7 days a week, come along and I am sure that you will enjoy the adventure of helping to preserve the history of our area.