GOAN Thomas was born in 1855 Ireland and died on the 20th December 1933 in the Mater Hospital.  He is buried at the Dutton Park Cemetery. (Sth Brisbane) His parents were James GOAN and Elizabeth nee McGAVAN.

Thomas married Hannah MARKWELL on the 18th June 1883 at “Cupravale” Logan Village. 

Hannah was born on the 24th September 1858 at Bulimba and died on the 29th January 1893.  She is buried at Coulson Cemetery Queensland.  Her parents were Samuel MARKWELL and Mary Ann nee SHEARMAN.


There is no photo available at present for Thomas's Marriage to Anne.

GOAN Thomas married Anne Josephine FRENEY on the 6th November 1894 at John Sheehan Residence Tevioville.

Anne was born 6th September 1856 in Queensland and died 25th March 1928.  She is buried with Thomas, at the Dutton Park Cemetery.  Her parents were Thomas FRENEY and Maria nee BLUNDELL.


 The Wedding photo is from the Queensland State Library.

GOAN  Thomas James (Tom) Born 7th October 1895, in King Street, East Brisbane,  Died 11th October 1982 in the Stanley Hospital, Esk.  His parents were Thomas GOAN and Anne Josehine nee FRENEY.

Married Ellen CASHELL (Nell) on the 25th January 1922 in the Mary Immaculate Church, South Brisbane

Ellen was born 16th April 1898 and died 11th October 1982 in Esk.  Her parents were Maurice CASHELL and Mary Frederika nee DENNIS.

Both are buried in the Esk Cemetery.

The wedding Photo is from Beaudesert & Surrounds Face Book page.