WW1 Service No. 6919.  He is remembered on the Honour Roll for the Museum.  Also DVA "Honour our Heroes"

Verney BURGESS B 13th Nov 1891 Wyeba Lake, Noosa Heads,  D 3rd Aug 1959 Buried : Tewantin, RSL Section 2 Grave 245. .   Verney's Parens were Henry Chesworth BURGESS and Louisa Jane nee LEAN.

Married 21st July 1937 Methodist Church Cooroy 

Evelyn Mathilde WALTER B 10th May 1911 Eagleby D 29th Sep 2004 Hervey Bay  Evelyn's parents were Friedrich Christian WALTER and Helene Friedericke nee SAMTLEBE.  Evelyn is also buried in the Tewantin Cemetery.