This photo is from the Vintage to Modern Weddings in Australian Sherrie Ford F/Book page.

DUX August Frederick Carl B: 2nd August 1878 Zillmere D: 21st December 1962 Tamborine.  Parents were Gustav Johann Carl DUX and Wilhelmine nee ALTER

Married 13th December 1905 St Peter's Church, Southport

O'CONNELL Lillian Margaret B:  29th July 1888 Currigee, Qld.  D: 19th November 1949 Labrador. Parents were Maurice John O'CONNELL and Louise Caroline Wilhelmine nee RICHTER.

They are both buried in the Southport Cemetery.



DUX William Herbert B: 11th April 1908, South Stradbroke Island.  D: 1st May 2002 Brisbane .   His parents were :  August Fredrick Carl DUX and Lillian Margaret nee O'CONNELL 

Married :  11th April 1919 

BANKS May Jessie Maitland B: 13TH May 1904 Rockhampton  D: 18th December 1972 Brisbane .  Her parents were James Hately BANKS and Amy Sarah nee CROFT.

Unknown burial place at this time.